
ss Amber laughed while i layed on my belly, as her foot rest and kissing/massaging her feet. Miss Amber and i both yelled at the same time "MOM"! "Kristen, tell them" Miss Kingsley ordered my mother. "Shawna, if this is what you want, I want to keep an eye on you... till you turn 18" my mother explained. "She will be here a few days out of the week. She has agreed to be my ummm, slave untill then, right, Mrs Wilson" Miss Kingsley shared. "Yes Ma'am, I want to make sure your not abused Shawna and this is Miss Kingsley's solution" my mother said while on her knees unzipping Miss Kingsley's boots. i looked up at Miss Amber, she was all smiles, i bent my head to kiss her foot and she pulled away, resting both on my back. "So let me get this staight, my slaves mother has submitted to my mother" Miss Amber asked, laughing. "Yes Miss Amber, i belong to you as well" my mother said pulling Miss Kingsley's boot off. Miss Amber just smiled as i looked up at her and when she looked down on me, she put her head back and enjoyed her new position.

That night was the most insane so far. i watched my mother kneel and pull off Miss Kingsley's boots, then readjust Miss Kingsley's nylon socks. i didnt have the best view as i had my own job, but i looked over my shoulder every once in a while and saw her following Miss Kingsley's finger. My mother was kissing and massaging this woman's feet, at the direction of Miss Kingsley's finger... no words, just pointing. i could tell how sweaty her feet were, i licked her shoes clean this morning and at some point she changed into her boots. i know how much her feet sweat, not sure if i envied my mother or felt bad, lol. "Kristen, the balls of my feet, quit spending so much time on my toes" Miss Kingsley ordered my mother. "Yes Ma'am" my mother replied as i watched her strain to kiss her toes and massage the balls of her nylon socked soles. Miss Amber then kicked the side of my head to alert me i wasnt paying attention to her sore feet.

Two hours went by and i have never been more nervous. To my relief my mother got up and said she had to go. She kissed the feet of Miss Amber's mother and then she kissed Miss Amber's feet, while i massaged them. She went to dress in her clothes and Miss Kingsley sighed with her feet still up "shawna, your mom is perfect for me". My mother came back w/ Miss Kingsley's slippers and slipped them on for her. "Shawna, ill see you in a couple of days" she said patting my head. Miss Amber cleared her throat and mom dropped to her knees to kiss Miss Ambers feet again. i looked up in my owner's eyes and i knew it was time for bed. "shawna, your my good girl, I have another task for you" Miss Amber said... 

Part 18

i followed Miss Amber up the stairs to her bedroom. Once we got to her door, i shut it behind us and began to strip just the way she told me i should weeks ago, though it feels like years. She sat at the edge of her bed and i crawled to her feet kissing each toe while looking up at her. She was unusually quiet. After i kissed her last toe i got up to undress her, then she grabbed me by the hair and put my face between her legs. Though she was very quiet, she was also more aggresive than usual. She used my hair to control me, like a dog's leash. i loved every second of it. After she had her orgasim, i got up to run her bath and she told me to kneel down instead. "Yes Miss Amber" i said loving her taste still in my mouth. "I know you masturbate thinking of me while smelling my sweaty dirty socks or doing my laundry" she said locked dead into my eyes. Of course she was right. "Now that you will be living w/ me i will tell you when you can get off, and it will most always be in front of me" she explained. "If I have to be away, you will wait for my call and beg me... understand" she stated very seriously. Never breaking eye contact w/ her i said "Yes Miss Amber".

She leaned back and rested on the palms of her hands and crossed her legs at her ankles. "Do it" she ordered. i started to lower myself to her feet when she yelled "NO!! Just look at me, look at your owner". i was so fucking uncomfortable, she wanted me to masturbate right in front of her, on my knees just looking up at her. i started. Looking up into her eyes, sneaking a peak at her feet it wasnt so hard. Then she would ask me "who owns you shawna" in her sweetest voice. "You uhh doo Missss Amber" i would groan out. "Who licks the dirt off my feet... shawna" she would throw into her mix. "i always will, omg, Miss Amber" i was at a whisper now. Then i let loose w/ the best release i ever had and collapsed at her feet. Tapping my head w/ her foot she ordered "Now you can get my bath ready". 

i was so uneasy about that but it also made me happy i was so responsive just by looking at her and answering her demeaning questions. After her bath, i got her bed ready and made sure she was comfortable. She threw down a pillow for me but i asked "Miss Amber, may i please sleep on your soccer socks and cleats"? Thankfully she said yes and i was happy that her socks were still a little moist with her sweat.

i was about to fall asleep when i remembered my mother was also involved now. Damn, i have brought my mother and my best friend into this. Weeks ago i had a plan to go to college and live my life for me. Now my plan is to serve Miss Amber anyway i can no questions asked. i thought about carrie and my mother and how this may all end, then i fell into sleep

The next morning i got up and made Miss Amber breakfast. Miss Kingsley had to be somwhere very early and could'nt stick around. Once i served Miss Amber her breakfast i got under the table so she could rest her feet on me. She is always more comfortable that way. "shawna, Kelly and carrie will pick us up in a couple of hours and we have some shopping to do" she let me know while bouncing her big toe on and off my lips. "After that we will all go to the new dog park... what do you think" she asked. Did i really have a choice??? "Yes Miss Amber" was my response. i dont remember Miss Kell having a dog... 

Part 19

Whil we waited for Miss Kelly and carrie, i kept Miss Amber's coffee fresh, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. The remainder of the time i spent on all fours as Miss Amber's foot stool. i had her shoes and socks for the day ready, her superstars and a pair of low cut black socks w/ hearts all over them. i kept them clenched between my teeth, her socks stuffed down towards the toe area, my chin rested where her heel goes in one and my nose where her other heel goes. She found a show she liked on tv and made herself comfortable while i did my best to keep still and be her footrest. She hates it when i sqirm around.

A knock on the door resulted in Miss Amber raising her feet and me laying her sneakers at her feet so i could rush to her door and answer it. "shawna, great to see you" Miss Kelly greeted me. "carrie... floor" Miss Kelly ordered carrie. carrie dropped to the floor, head down on the hardwood foyer between Miss Kelly's feet. Miss Kelly had her old converse w/ yellow socks on i noticed. carrie didnt say a word to me nor i to her, thats just the way it is now. i ran back into the living room, picked up Miss Amber's shoes between my teeth and let her rest her feet on my back again. Miss Kelly slapped her hands together and said "lets go shopping"! "shawna... shoes" Miss Amber ordered. While Miss Amber and Miss Kelly talked i slipped the socks and sneakers onto Miss Amber's feet. i of course kissed her socked toes before slipping her sneakers on. We walked out, Miss Kelly kicked carrie in the head (rather hard) and simply shouted "UP"!

As carrie drove us to the mall, Miss Amber and Miss Kelly talked while i sat on the back seat on my knees looking out the rear window, massaging Miss Amber's shoulders. It was such an awkward fucking position. When we pulled up to the mall, Miss Kelly had carrie park in front of the pet store. carrie and i simply trailed behind our owners, i loved watching Miss Ambers heels pop out of her loose sneaks as she walked.

Once we got inside, they took us to the collar and leash section. "Ok girls, pick out which collars you want to buy" Miss Amber announced. carrie looked so disgusted. i on the other hand picked a brown leather one and dropped to my knees in front of Miss Amber and pleaded "Miss Amber, i dont have any money, will you please buy me this one"? "My slave wants more gifts" Miss Amber said laughing, she knows i gave what was in my savings to her. "I'll buy this one only if you promise to go along with what i have planned for the whole day" She said with her arms crossed and tapping her foot. "Thank you, thank you Miss Amber" i said kissing the shell toed tips of her sneakers. "But i get to choose the leash and the frisbee" Miss Amber let me know. carrie looked so pissed. "carrie pick one out or i will" Miss Keelly ordered. carrie just ran out of the store, jumped in her car and took off. Miss Amber and i watched from the door while Miss Kelly ran out but it was no use. She came back in and started yelling at me, calling her fucked up and that i should have said something. Miss Amber stopped her and said i had nothing to do with it, we can take the bus to the dog park and to let it go, for now. While Miss Amber was trying to calm her down, i knelt down beside Miss Amber and looked up at her. When she finally calmed down Miss Kelly, we were headed back to the collar and leash section. She picked up a very bright rainbow colored one and started laughing "I think this is the one"!
"What do you think shawna" she asked me. "Yes Miss Amber" i answered. Miss Kelly still looked upset.

After she picked out my leash, we headed for the toys section, pet toys. Miss Amber picked out a red frisbee. After that, we headed for the custom pet tag line. "shawna, i want you to make your very own dog tag" Miss Amber said patting my head. "Yes Miss Amber" was my response. While Miss Amb以下为收费内容(by http://www.prretyfoot.com)r and Miss Kelly talked about carrie, i dropped to my knees beside miss Amber and tried to think of what to put on my tag. While in line, Miss Amber would pop her heels out of her sneaks and i would lean into kiss the underside of her now sweaty socks. People in line said "gross" or just couldnt believe what i was doing. Miss Amber and Miss Kelly just kept talking becouse it has become NORMAL to them. 

When it was my turn in line i got off my knees and went up to the clerk and handed her my new collar. i chose a heart shaped tag and told her it should read "SLAVE SHAWNA Property of Miss Amber, if lost please contact 867-5309". "OOOOKK" was her response. i just smiled and asked Miss Amber if that was ok. She liked it and we took our number and found the waiting benches. i got down on all fours so they could put their feet up and rest. Miss Kelly was still pissed about carrie running out. Miss Amber put one foot in front of face and i used my nose to pry that sneaker off her foot. Then i did the other one. Her left sneaker fell just below my head, the other out of my sight. i stayed there on my hands and knees, in a busy pet store while they rested their feet on my back, while the other shoppers just ponted and laughed or made rude comments. oh well. 

When our number was called i hurried up to get my new tag. It was pink. The clerk was nice enough to put it on my new collar and we walked to the check out. Once Miss Amber paid we went outside. "shawna, kneel" Miss Amber ordered. i followed her order. She fastened the collar around my neck and then the leash. "Carry the leash in your mouth like a good girl" she commanded. i picked the leash up off the ground with my teeth and followed behind her on all fours as we walked to the bus stop.

"How far to the dog park" Miss Kelly asked Miss Amber...

Part 20

It was a long trip to the dog park and Miss Amber was really annoyed that she had to take public transportation. This was a far cry from the comfortable ride she had to the mall with Carrie driving and little Shawna rubbing her back. And quite frankly she was tired of hearing Kelly complain about Carrie running off. 

Once they got to the dog park though the fun would begin. Miss Amber and Kelly walked over to a bench and sat down, Shawna following on her hands and knees crawling with her leach in her mouth. There was only an old man in the fenced in area when they arrived, and when he saw what was going on he seemed to quickly head out with his dog. So it was only Miss Amber, Kelly and Shawna left on their own. Miss Amber then said "Come her puppy so I can take off your leash and we can play." At that moment Shawna crawled to Miss Amber's feet and she removed her leash. Miss Amber then pulled out a tennis ball and said "Ok puppy wuppy wanna get the ball? Good Girl" She then threw the ball. After throwing the ball a few times Miss Amber snapped her fingers and said "Kell, I know todays been kind of rough, but you know I'm use to living at a high comfort level now that I have little Shawna, and since I'm playing fetch with her right now.... Would you mind massaging my back?" Kelly replied "Yeah sure" and got up and did as Miss Amber said. This went on for about an hour until Amber got tired of playing and wanted to go home. But there was no way that she was taking that stupid bus back to the house. So Amber picked up her cell phone and called the house Kristen Shawna's mother answered "Kingsley residence" Amber replied "Hello slave is Miss Amber, we are at the dog park just outside of town get over her right now and pick us up." Kirsten replied "Yes right away Miss Amber, i'll be there as soon as I can." To which Amber replied "Good girl see you soon." Then she hung up. They only had to wait seven minutes before Kristen arrived, Kelly sat up front and Miss Amber sat in the back. Shawna got in the back with Miss Amber and once she was seated Amber stretch out and put her feet in Shawna's lap. She then put a pillow behind her head and closed her eyes. She then said "Massage my feet slave." Then dozed off. The ride was a quiet one back to the house. 

When they walked through the door there kneeling on the ground in front of them was Carrie. Miss Amber then asked Kristen "Was she here before you left to pick us up?" Kristen humbly replied "No Miss Amber." Amber then ordered Kristen to get back to the house work and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Kelly walked in and sat next to her, followed by Shawna and then Carrie. Kelly then broke the silence "Where the hell did you go?" Carrie explained that she was very sorry that she just ran off the way she did, but that her parents decided that the best thing to do after the other morning was to move out of the neighborhood. She explained that she had to get home to get her stuff and that all she had now was her car and clothing, no where to live and no food to eat. She then got on her knees and kissed Miss Kelly's feet, and begged her to let her move in with her. Of course Kelly said yes. 

Now Miss Amber and Miss Kelly had slaves living with them and serving them 24/7. What would come next for the four girls?

Part 21

Part 21

A week had now passed since Carrie moved in with Kelly, and Amber noticed that Carrie kept showing up to her house with bumps and bruises. Miss Amber and Miss Kelly had hung out just about every day. They had shopping days, where they would go to the store and spend as much as they wanted. Shawna and Carrie would follow them around, carry their bags and help their mistresses when they wanted to try something on in the changing room. They also had spa days, where Miss Kelly and Carrie would go over to Miss Amber's house. One these days Miss Amber and Miss Kelly would enjoy getting treatments such as facials, manicures, pedicures and any other massage you can think of. 

It was on one of these spa days that Miss Amber decided that something needed to change. She liked Kelly as a friend but if she was going to mistreat Carrie then she needed to be taught a lesson. Amber thought to herself that slaves were there to serve them but that she would never ever hurt Shawna. Shawna was devoted to her already and she had been trained well so there was really no call for any negative treatment. Why were things different for Kelly she wondered? Maybe she was compensating Amber thought. Then it dawned on her that she had read some where that people who seem to be naturally dominant but feel that they need to use physical force to get what they wanted often made way better sub. Once Amber realized this Amber decided that a role reversal needed to happened. While Amber was thinking about all of this she was sitting on her couch next to Kelly enjoying a very nice morning foot massage from Shawna, Kelly doing the same with Carrie. However Carrie did not seem to be enjoying it as much as Shawna was. Amber then said "I want a manicure, pedicure and a back massage now, so Kell your going to be serving me today." Amber then ordered Carrie to get to work on her manicure and Shawna to start on her pedicure. This felt really nice, but would also get Kelly's live as a slave started. About fifteen minutes into Miss Amber's treatment she asked Kelly "Do you like serving me Kelly?" Kelly replied "Yes Amber, you know I do from the night when I massaged your feet for the first time." Amber then went on "Good, I think I would like you to call me Miss Amber from now on." Kelly replied "Yes Miss Amber." Carrie was the first to finish and Miss Amber ordered Carrie to sit next to her on the couch while Shawna finished her pedicure and Kelly continued her back massage. Amber then looked at Carrie and realized for the first time that Carrie did not look half bad, and thought that with a few weeks of pampering from a slave she could be looking pretty hot. Amber then asked "Carrie where did you get those bruises on your arms and legs? Answer me honestly or else you will be punished!" Carrie humbly replied "Miss Amber, Miss Kelly gave me these bruises for really no reason, I've tried my best to serve her but she is never happy, always yelling at me about how worthless I am." To this Miss Amber said "Thank you for being honest with me Carrie, I think I have an idea which will make you feel very happy!" Amber then asked Kelly if what Carrie was saying was true and she confirmed that what she said was true. Miss Amber then snapped her perfectly manicured fingers and said "Form now on Carrie is now Miss Carrie and Kelly you are now Carrie's slave. You should never mistreat someone like the way you have treated Carrie even if you do think she was born to serve you." Kelly tried to object but in the end could not disobey Miss Amber. Amber then ordered Kelly to stop massaging her back and to get down on her knees before Miss Carrie. It took Carrie a little while to get use to being in charge, but she seemed to get more comfortable as the day progressed. Carrie enjoyed having a pedicure and foot massage from Kelly for the first time in a long time. But in the end of the day was still feeling a little bit weird about bringing Kelly home and treating her like her slave in front of her parents. Then Miss Amber had a fantastic idea, she said "Carrie how about you take Shawna home with you tonight and enjoy her service and I will keep Kelly here and train her. She will be ready for you tomorrow." Carrie agreed, and took Shawna home that night. Shawna would have felt weird that she was now going to serve her former best friend, but at this point now she was now extremely submissive and now believed that her place in life was to serve so she was actually honored to serve Carrie. 

After Carrie and Shawna left Kelly thought that things would be different between her and Amber, but that was not the case. That night Miss Amber worked Kelly's butt off. Kelly had to cook, clean and do laundry along with serving Miss Amber in a more personal way. That night Miss Amber did not call Kelly by her name once, she just referred to her as slave. Kelly had not done any of these jobs since Carrie came into her life so she was a little rusty. Miss Amber really enjoyed watching Kelly run around serving her, and because of what she did to Carrie figured she enjoyed it. By the time Miss Amber was ready to go to bed Kelly had now been working constantly for about 4 hours. She was tired and this made her more obedient. Miss Amber then announced "I'm going to bed slave, you can lick my feet all night." Kelly replied "Yes Miss Amber." And Miss Amber and Kelly's night was over.

Mean while Carrie was enjoying being spoiled by Shawna. Carrie decided that she could now take over Kelly's bed room and make it hers. So she was relaxing on her bed while Shawna was massaging her feet. Carrie then said "Shawna do you really like being a slave? To tell you the truth the only reason I put up with Kelly was because I'm your friend." Shawna not forgetting her place replied "Miss Carrie I was born to serve, and thank you so much for sacrificing for me I'm honored! How fitting that now I get to kiss your feet." Carrie went on to enjoy the rest of her night in peace. 

What will tomorrow bring? How will Kelly react to being Carrie's slave in her own home?

Part 22

Miss Amber woke up at 8:30am to Kelly tiredly lapping away at her feet. When Amber saw that Kelly had been up all night she realized that Kelly really was very submissive. She tapped Kelly on the face with her feet a sign that meant stop. Then Amber sarcastically asked Kelly "So how did you sleep last night?" To Amber's surprise Kelly replied "Miss Amber I did not sleep last night you commanded me to lick your feet all night so I did. While I was doing this I realized a lot about myself that I had not noticed in the past. I am truly very submissive Miss Amber, and I feel very badly about the way I treated Miss Carrie. I must serve her for the rest of my life to repay her for the abuse I put her through. Thank you so much for helping me realize my true place in life Miss Amber." At that she kissed Amber's feet. Miss Amber simply replied "Your welcome, now go make my breakfast. Carrie and Shawna are coming at 11am." Kelly followed Miss Amber's command right away and with in fifteen minutes Kelly was back upstair with a wonderfully prepared meal for Miss Amber. After Amber finished eating, Kelly ran down stair to wash the dishes and then quickly returned to Miss Amber's room. Amber and Kelly were home alone, Amber's mom was away on a two week business trip which meant that Kristen Shawna's mom did not have to come to work for them over that time. After Kelly drew a bath for Miss Amber, cleaned her, got her dress, did her makeup and touched up her nail polish it was just about 11am. 

The door bell soon rang and Amber ordered Kelly to get the door. As soon as Carrie was inside Kelly dropped to her knees and began kissing her feet. Miss Amber walked downstairs and saw the sight and could only admire it for a moment. It was really a beautiful sight the formerly pampered rich girl was now worshipping the feet of the former slave. The role reversal had taken full effect. As soon as Shawna noticed that Miss Amber had come downstairs she almost dove at her feet and also began kissing her feet. Amber was happy to have Shawna back, she had missed her and truthfully did not enjoy having to train Kelly however it had to be done. Miss Amber made her way out to the back yard, it was a beautiful day outside and so decided it would be a great idea to get some tanning in. Carrie followed and then the two slaves crawled behind them. Miss Amber got comfortable on her lounge chair and ordered Kelly to pull her mothers lounge chair over for Miss Carrie to use. Once Miss Amber got comfortable she ordered Shawna to massage her feet and then asked Shawna how last night went. Shawna replied "I am very glad to be able to help Miss Carrie get comfortable being dominant, she has been a great friend so it was an honor to serve her." Miss Amber was very pleased, she then said "Kelly don't you have something to say to Miss Carrie?" Kelly responded "Miss Carrie I am very sorry about the way I treated you, now that I have realized my true place in life I have decided that my only place in life is at your feet as your slave. If you will have me I would like to serve you for the rest of my life." Miss Carrie replied looking more beautiful then ever after an evening of pampering "Its about time slave that you realized that I'm so much better than me. Yes you will be my slave for the rest of your life and I am going to enjoy bossing you around." For the rest of the day Miss Amber and Miss Carrie enjoyed the usual pampering. However they had a great time getting to know each other on a more equal level then before. By the end of the day Miss Amber and Miss Carrie were very close, and they were both looking forward to spending much more time together, however they both knew that Miss Carrie had some business to take care of back at Kelly's parents house. So Miss Carrie and Kelly left Miss Amber's house at 6pm after dinner. 

Kelly drove back to her family's house while Miss Carrie sat in the back seat reflecting on the happenings of the day. She finally broke the silence by saying very matter of factly "Kelly when we get home you will announce to your mother and father what your new role in life is. Its about time that your family know what kind of person you really are." Kelly simply replied "Yes Miss Carrie." Carrie was really getting the hang of being in charge and after hearing what had happened to Shawna's mom she wanted to try and get Kelly's parents to submit also. Kelly's dad much like Shawna's father worked a lot and was not home when Miss Carrie and Kelly got home. Carrie got comfortable on the sofa in the living room while Kelly went to get her mother who was upstairs. When they got downstairs Kelly's mom Tiffany sat in the chair across from the sofa where Miss Carrie was sitting and Kelly kneeled at Carrie's feet. Shocked at the sight Tiffany of course wanted to know what was going on right away. Carrie simply tapped Kelly's face with her foot, which Kelly knew was a signal to answer the question. Kelly then answered her mother "mom I've just recently discovered that I am an extremely submissive person, and that it is my lot in life is to serve a superior women, Carrie. As you know Carrie use to be my slave but I soon realized that things would work out a lot better if things were the other way around. I hope that you are ok with this decision, but if your not I don't care. I am very happy being Miss Carrie's slave. And in fact I would be thrilled if you decided that you would like to join in the fun. I really mistreated Miss Carrie when we were in our old relationship and have vowed to make her life as easy as possible, and two slaves is always better then one. Look I know you would do anything to make me happy and this is the last thing I will ever ask you to do, I promise!" Carrie could not believe the transformation that Kelly had made in two short days. She was now asking her mother to join her in slavery. Miss Carrie had no objections, why the heck would she turn down another slave. Little did Carrie know what she was in store for. Tiffany sat there and thought for a few minutes, while Kelly sat massaging Miss Carrie's feet. Then Tiffany broke the silence by asking kelly "This is really what you want for the rest of you life?" Carrie patted the side of her face with her foot allowing her to answer and Kelly simply said "Yes." Tiffany continued "Then this is what I want also." She then got up from the chair that she was sitting in and got on her knees. She then kissed Miss Carrie's free foot and said "Miss Carrie I would like to be your slave as well if you will have me? I beg you to move into the master bed room and tomorrow we will have to take you shopping for a whole new wardrobe of designer cloths. Kelly and I can get maids uniforms if you like." What a crazy night Carrie thought then she answered Tiffany "Tiffany you may be my slave and I love your idea of taking me shopping tomorrow. I love innovative slaves. But now that you have submitted to me life will not be easy for you. I'm going to bed, come sleep on the floor at my feet and wake me at 8:30am by licking my feet. We will begin your training tomorrow Tiffany." 

The slaves obeyed their owner and another wild and crazy night had come to an end.

Part 23

Months had passed now and the four girls were now done with high school. Since Kelly had become a slave she had become very submissive and she was now as much a slave as Shawna was. They had both gone through weeks of serving their mistresses 24/7 at home and at school and had grown use to the embarrassment and humiliation that came with it. Mean while Amber and Carrie were enjoying the good life. They never did any school work, thats what slaves were for and they had both graduated with 4.0 GPAs. Amber and Carrie had also both been accepted into the same school, which was the local state school about a two hour drive from their homes. Of course they would be bringing their slaves with them who would not be attending school. Tiffany Kelly's mother would be paying for an off campus apartment and all other living expenses. Amber's mother would be paying the girl's college tuition, because she was the only one of the adults who made any sort of money. 

Once the girls had arrived at their new very large and expensive apartment they kept to themselves for the most part for the weekend before college started. Amber had been doing a lot of thinking about what college would bring. Amber thought it would be fun to join a sorority, however if you wanted to join a sorority it usually meant that you would have to become a pledge for a period of time. She thought there was no way that she would be doing that. During the first week of school Amber looked around at the sorority options and decided that Alpha-Phi-Beta was the one to go for. That was the one that all the seemingly high class rich girls were attracted to. Amber went up to the sign-up table and sitting there was the president of the sorority. Her name was Becky a tall dark haired very confident looking girl. Amber asked about joining. Becky the president rather rudely responded "Well you have to have an interview first." Then handed her schedule to Amber. Amber did not like her tone of voice and said "Ok, next monday works for me" and then handed Becky a piece of paper with her address on it, then said "You can stop by anytime in the afternoon." Becky surprisingly said "Ok sounds good, I like you." At that the conversation was over and Amber left to go back to her apartment. 

Monday afternoon came soon enough and Becky showed up to Amber's apartment at around 2pm Carrie and Kelly were out on a shopping trip so she would have the whole apartment free for a few hours. Becky rang the door bell and when Amber heard it ordered Shawna to answer the door and then to show Becky to the living room. Shawna obeyed. Amber let Becky wait about five minutes and then made her way into the living room. She then snapped her fingers and said "Shawna, feet." at that Shawna kneeled at Amber's feet and began massaging them. Becky a little shocked tried to begin the interview, however Amber seemingly ignoring Becky speaking said "Yeah I'm interested in this sorority because it will look good on my resume, but I am not at all interested in being one of those pledge things. As you can see I am use to being served not serving others. Surly you can understand this your the president." Becky answered "Yes, but..." Amber then interrupted "You were a pledge once right?" Becky responded "Well yes, I guess" with a quizzical look on her face. Amber then continued "Well it would be an honor for you if I jointed this sorority so why don't you pledge yourself to me?" Becky totally confused took a while to understand, it was definitely to long for Amber who then said "I would love someone to rub my other foot, get down and do it." Of course Becky tried to object, but in the end Amber won as she always won. After Becky had been rubbing Amber's feet for about ten minutes Amber said "Becky I like our new relationship, from now on you call me Miss Amber and I want you and the rest of your sorority over here every day doing what I say." Becky replied "Yes Miss Amber." Amber loved this, Becky was a quick learned. It was only 2:45pm plenty of time to get all of Becky's sorority over. She had Becky text all of her friends and by 3pm they had all arrived at Amber's apartment. Amber then had Becky explain that Miss Amber was now in charge and that everyone was to do as she said. It was fantastic. Amber sat down on the couch ordered one girl to be her footstool, Shawna and Becky to give her a pedicure, another two girls to give her a manicure, another girl to rub her back, another girl to hold a magazine for her to read, another two girls to fan her and finally another girl to stand by with a diet coke in case she got thirsty. There were about ten girls left after that and Amber ordered them to get to work cleaning the apartment. Amber truly felt like a Queen being spoiled and pampered more than she had in her whole life. 

At around 4pm Carrie and Kelly got home and saw all that was going on. Carrie found Amber and asked "What the heck is going on." Amber replied "I took over a sorority its pretty awesome having all these slaves to do what I say." Carrie replied "Cool, can I use them too?" Amber then snapped her fingers and said "Slaves, this is Miss Carrie, you are to follow her commands as you follow mine." They all responded "Yes Miss Amber." And then they went back to work. 

This was one of the best nights of both Amber and Carrie's lives. They had only been at school for a week. What would the rest of school have in store for them?

Part 24

A week had past since Miss Amber had taken over Becky and her sorority. Now Amber did not have to have anything to do with going to school and she still got straight A's. Her days consisted of staying home and being pampered by her many slaves or going out shopping and spending as much money as she wanted, Miss Amber's bank account was almost unlimited now that she had money coming into it from so many different places. Carrie was also enjoying herself and she did not care what slaves she used. Kelly had just become another slave, and only Miss Amber made sure that little Shawna was serving her all the time. Kelly truly felt worthless. 

It was now Tuesday 11am and Miss Amber was enjoying her morning pampering. Miss Amber looked hotter then ever, she was very beautiful and this spoiled life style only made her more beautiful. Miss Amber's usual morning pampering consisted of using a slave as her footstool, two slaves kneeling massaging and pedicuring her feet. Two slaves massaging her hands and manicuring them, a slave rubbing her back. A slave feeding her breakfast, and a slave holding a fashion magazine for her to read. Miss Amber had truly become royalty, and she knew it. On this particular day it turns out that Becky was acting as Miss Amber's footstool and Kelly and Shawna were perfectly pedicuring Miss Amber's feet. Usually Miss Amber did not notice or care who her slaves were, after all they were nothing more then tools that she used to make life easier. However today while she was reading her fashion magazine she took a glance down and saw Shawna and Kelly giving her a pedicure and it got her thinking. Shawna had willingly become her slave much like all of the other slaves from college, however Kelly was kind of forced into it because of the way she had treated Carrie. Amber further thought for once about if this was really the life Kelly really wanted to be living. After all up until recently Kelly was her best friend. 

After she had had enough pampering it was now 1pm and decided now was as good a time as any to have a chat with Kelly. At this Miss Amber snapped her fingers and said "Shawna and Kelly up to my room now." They both responded "Yes Miss Amber" and crawled behind their mistress up the stairs to her room. Once they got into Miss Amber's room Amber sat down at her desk chair and ordered Shawna to be her footstool. Of course Shawna obeyed, she was just short of a zombie at this point, the only thing she knew how to do was obey Miss Amber. Kelly then remained in front of Miss Amber as a slave should awaiting Miss Amber's next command. The next thing that came out of Miss Amber's mouth was a shock to Kelly. Miss Amber said "So Kell, for a few minutes lets pretend that we are best friends again. I would like you to speak to me as my friend right now and not as my slave, answer my questions honestly. So how do you like being a slave?" Kelly a little surprised answered "Miss Amber do you remember when I first massaged your feet at Miss Carrie's house? That was the first moment in my life that I felt like I was doing something that I liked to do. I realized that much like Shawna here I was born to serve, and that when I acted dominant over Carrie it was just because I was afraid of who I truly was. But now I've come to grips with it and realize that my purpose in life is to do as you command Miss Amber." Amber not really surprised by Kelly's response was pleased, she just had to make sure because of what her and Kelly once were. Amber then asked "So you would do anything I told you to do with out question." Kelly replied "Absolutely Miss Amber." Amber very pleased with her response realized that Kelly was the perfect candidate for her first slave experiment.

To be continued (Suggestions welcomed please!)

Part 25

It had been weeks since Miss Amber and Miss Carrie had even seen each other, and even longer since they had spent any time together. This kind of bothered Miss Amber considering that it had been her who had literally given Carrie this life, and its about time something changed around here.

This is what Miss Amber was thinking as she was being driven back to her place from a nice relaxing afternoon of shopping. Miss Amber arrived at home and entered her house, there waiting on their hands and knees for her were her two now favorite slaves Shawna and Kelly. When they saw Miss Amber walk in they immediately leap into kissing her feet. Miss Amber then asked "little Shawna is Carrie home?" Shawna replied "Yes Miss Amber, she in lounging by the pool." Shawna went right back to kissing Miss Amber's beautifully pedicured feet. After enjoying a few more seconds of the slaves kissing her tired feet Miss Amber made her way back to the pool where Shawna had said Carrie was. When she arrived Miss Amber did not like what she saw at all, there sitting by the pool was Carrie and another girl that she did not know using her slaves. Miss Amber walked over and said "Carrie what the hell is going on here?" Carrie replied "Hey Amber long time no see, this is my friend Kate. I just invited her over to hang out and have some fun, you know." While Carrie was saying this Miss Amber was thinking that this was the last straw, not only had Carrie not spent any time with her, but she had replaced her with some girl named Kate. After thinking for awhile longer Miss Amber replied "You know Carrie I don't get it, after all I've done for you this is how you repay me? If your going to be making and spending time with new friends well than maybe its time that you found some where else to live?" Carrie replied "You can't be serious Amber, I'm just branching out." Miss Amber then said "Actually I am very serious, I have not seen you in forever and when was the last time we hung out?" All Carrie could say in reply was "but, Amb..." Miss Amber continued "BUT WHAT" Then she got a devilish grin on her face and said "The way I see it is that you have two choices. One you can move out and live on your own for the rest of you life or two you could stay here and earn your keep. Also Kate you are now involved so whatever decision Carrie makes impacts you too." Kate sat there with a dumb look on her face wondering what was going on Kate finally broke the silence when she said "Carrie what could be so bad about working here?" Kate really did have no idea what was going on. Miss Amber then said "You have one minute to make your decision Carrie." At that Carrie looked up with a very defeated look on her face and said "Alright we will stay." Miss Amber then replied "what was that?" Carrie replied "Miss Amber may Kate and I have permission to stay at your place and earn our keep?" Miss Amber then said "Yes you may my new slaves, its been a while since I got new slaves. Kate just follow Carrie's lead she will teach you all you need to know, but here is the basic gist. You are now my slave, you will do as I say and always call me Miss Amber. As long as you do that things will go very smoothly. Now I'm tired of standing here, get up and get on your knees before me." They both silently followed her order, and surprisingly Kate offered no resistance. Miss Amber then made them give her a manicure and pedicure, then made them lick her feet for hours. What a very productive day Miss Amber thought.

Now Carrie was back to square one, she was now a slave again. After Miss Amber enjoyed her dinner she decided it was time to bring back some old memories, but she wanted to include Kate too. Miss Amber sat on her couch and snapped her fingers she then ordered Kelly and Shawna to kiss her feet and suck her toes, Kate to be her foot rest and Carrie to massage her back. This was just like that night when they were are still in high school plus Kate of course.

(to be continued)
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